Government Arts College for Men - KrishnagiriDEPARTMENT OF COMMERCEDr. S. M. Krishnan, M.Com., M.Phil., M.Ed., MBA., DCA., D.T.S., Ph.D. - Head of the Department |
1. Name of the Department : COMMERCEYear of establishment : 2005
2. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters, Integrated Ph.D., etc.) UG : B.Com. Commerce
3. Annual/ semester/ choice based credit system : Choice Based Credit System (Semester)
4. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments. : BBA
5. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization (D.Sc/D.Litt./ Ph.D/M.Phil, etc.,)
6. Percentage of class taken by temporary faculty – programme – wise information : UG – 78%
7. Programme – wise Student Teacher Ratio : 35 : 1
8. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff : (sanctioned and filled) : Nil
9. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and c) Total grants received . Mentioned names of funding agencies and grants received project – wise.Nil
10. Departmental projects funded by DST – FIST ; ICSSR etc; total grants received : Nil
11. Research facility / Centre withState recognition : Nil National recognition : Nil International recognition : Nil
12. Publications:No of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) National Level 15 International Level 16 Monographs : NIL Chapter (s) in Books 01 Editing Books 05
Books with ISBN numbers with details of publishers: NIL
Number listed in international Database (for e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) : NIL Citation Index – range / average : NIL SNIP : NIL SJR : NIL Impact factor – range / average : NIL h-index : NIL
13. Details of patents and income generated : Nil
14. Areas of consultancy and income generated : Nil
Orientation courses Refresher courses Quality Improvement Programmes Seminar, Conferences, Workshops etc. Referring Books and using Internet.
16. Students projects : Nil
17. Award / recognitions received at the national and international level by : Nil
18. Seminars / Conference / Workshops organized and source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. : Nil
19. Student profile course – Wise :
20. Diversity of Students
21. How many students have cleared civil services, Defense services, NET, SLET, GATE and any other competitive examinations?Nil
22. Students Progression
23. Diversity of staff
24. Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D., and D.Litt. during the assessment period.Nil
25. Percentage details about infrastructural facilitiesa) Library : Available - 803 b) Internet facilities for staff and students : Available c) Total number of class rooms 3 d) Class rooms with ICT facilities : Nil e) Student’s laboratories : Nil f) Research laboratories : Nil
26. Number of students of the department getting financial assistance from the college All eligible students from the respective BC/MBC/DNC/SC/ST category are getting financial assistants from the college in the form of Scholarship provided by the Government of Tamil Nadu.
27. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new program(s)?If so, give the methodology.Nil
28. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10)Manju .S T.C.S ,HosurJabir.A Approach corporate, Hosur Donbosco Dharmapuri, Hosur Silambarasan Approach corporateDonbosco,Dharmapuri Mr.Mahseh Revanna TATA, Chennai
29. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminars) with external exports.The department offers self-employment oriented programmes like EDP. Regular guest lecturers and workshops are organized to develop the extra knowledge in the subjects. Employment status of outgoing students is monitored. From the observation, it has been learnt that many are comfortably placed in various employments. Visits to various industries are also arranged to get practical exposure in the subject related areas.
30. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes.Ø Lecture Method Ø Chalk and Talk Method Ø Group Discussion Ø Power point presentations Ø Case study
31. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes monitored?In order to ensure the fulfilment of the objectives of the programme, the departments introduce applications oriented subjects. It widens the scope of the programme. The syllabus is also updated to meet the demand of the society. In order to assess the utility of the programme / learning outcomes, the status of the alumni and the benefit of the society from the programme are constantly monitored.
32. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Student’s participation:
Students participation:
NSS, YRC, RRC, Rotaract club, Consumer forum, Fine Arts club, Sport and Games.
33. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department.Nil
34. State whether the programme / department is accredited / graded by other agencies.Nil
35. Detail any five strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the Department:Strengths · All the regular staff members are possessing doctorate in commerce. All our Guest lecturers are doing Ph.D · Most of our staff members attended various seminars, Conferences and Workshops organized at international, national and state level. · Well experienced faculty members · New technological development in teaching like LCD is used · One of our department faculties is the coordinator for the ED cell. Weakness· Lack of staff members in the department · Most of the students are from most backward area. So, the communication skill of the students is very low. · Need additional class rooms for PG and research programmes. Opportunities· Possibility of getting fund from the government and government agencies to develop the department · Lab based courses like tally to make easy employable opportunities to the students · Create a prosperous, peace and love Challenges· Challenges to improve the communication skill and general knowledge · Within next NAAC proposed to conduct not less than 20 seminars and workshops in the department · Successful steps have been taken to have major and minor projects containing the process of local. · Our challenge is to achieve 100% pass percentage and more than 50% of the students should achieve distinction.
36. Future plans of the department.· Introducing M.Com and research programmes · Going to organize more workshops and seminars · Organize skill Development Programmes · Develop the support from the alumni for the development of the department · Develop the support from the alumni for the development of the department