Government Arts college (Men), Krishnagiri is a renowned educational institution with a long tradition and stupendous achievements. It provides a salubrious and inspiring atmosphere to every eager aspirant who wishes to pursue any course of study to achieve upper mobility in the society with a sound career at hand. Lots of influential persons of Krishnagiri district are mostly the alumni of this college.
It disseminates quality education with time-tested values to whoever comes to its fold like a citadel of an ever-shining monarch. Ever since its inception, the college has been fashioned and fortified to produce many success personalities such as -- impeccable scholars, radiant tycoons and notable statesmen. In short, it is a boon to the underprivileged and downtrodden of this locality.

Situated at a strategic position on the Krishnagiri-Chennai highway, 6 km from the heart of Krishnagiri town, it serves tirelessly to the backward community like a beacon light. It was founded in 1964 with a main objective to uplift the people of Krishnagiri whose chief occupation was to till the field and reap the corns not knowing much about the fruits of education and Social progress.
Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu His Highness M. Bakthavachalam laid the foundation stone in 1964 and it had its beginning with only four degree courses. In 1965, the degree courses; B.A Tamil, B.A History and B.Sc., Mathematics were offered. With the munificent help of the donors such as; big shots, traders and the affluent people of this area, a new building was built for the college in 1970. In the academic year 1971-72, B.A English and B.Sc., Zoology were started. In the very next academic year B.Sc., Botany was introduced. In the academic year 1976-77, semester system was introduced. Two years after B.Sc., Physics was introduced.
The introduction of P.G Botany and P.G Mathematics in 1980-81 made the college gain up-gradation as senior grade Arts College. With the commencement of M.Phil (Botany), the college was recognized as the Research Institution by Madras University in the academic year 1984-85. In two years, the part time M.Phil (Botany) course was converted into a full time course. In the academic year 1990-91B.Sc Chemistry was introduced. In the same academic year the college was affiliated to Periyar University as it came under the jurisdiction of the same.
In the very next year B.Sc., Chemistry was introduced. After ten years, B.Sc., Computer Science was introduced. In the academic year 2003-2004, under self-financing programme, the following courses were started; B.B.A., B.Com., B.Litt (Tamil, B.Sc., (Microbiology), B.Sc (Chemistry), M.Phil (Tamil) Full time/ Part time and Ph.D. (Tamil) Full time/ Part time. However, these so-called self-financing courses were absorbed into the regular stream in the academic year 2005-06.
In the first cycle, the college was accredited by the NAAC with the credit of C++ in Feb 2005. In the academic year 2007-08, shift system was introduced in the college by the Government of Tamil Nadu. Accordingly, degree courses such as; B.Sc., Chemistry, B.Sc., Computer Science, B.Com, B.B.A and B.litt (Tamil) were started.
In the academic year 2003-04, Computer Literacy Programme (CLP) was made compulsory to all non-computer major degree students.
In the academic year 2008-09, Arignar Anna Centenary block was constructed. In the same academic year Language Lab for English Department and a new Laboratory for Chemistry Department were set up. The Choice Based Credit System was introduced in the very same year as well. In the academic year 2010-11 onwards, M.Phil (Full time), Ph.D. (Full time) in Mathematics has been launched.
To the sole benefit of the aspirants of the locality, M.A English Literature, M.A. Tamil Literature, M.A. History, M.Sc., Chemistry and M.Sc., Computer Science have been started since 2012-13.
The introduction of B.A. Economics, M.Sc., Physics, M.Sc., Zoology, the Part time / Full time and M.Phil in Zoology took place in the academic year 2013-14.
The new courses that gained entry in the academic year 2014-15 were M.Phil & Ph.D. programmes (Part time / Full time) in English, History and Physics.
In the academic year 2015 – 16, Ph.D. degree courses (Part Time / Full Time) were introduced in the department of Zoology.
Admirably, the very same academic year, our prestigious college was accredited with B++ grade by the NAAC, New Delhi.
M.A. (Economics) degree course was introduced in the academic year 2017-18. In the very next year, B.Sc. Chemistry (Tamil Medium), M.Phil and Ph.D. Chemistry degree courses were started.
The academic year 2019-20 witnessed the jubilant introduction of B.Sc.(Statistics) degree course. It has just stepped into its II year of successful academic progress. The college is preparing itself to face its III cycle of NAAC accreditation that probably falls on the academic year 2021-22.
As such, the college offers 14 under graduate programmes and 9 Post Graduate programmes. Seven departments offer both part-time and full-time M.Phil and Ph.D. programmes.
The college strives to achieve the overall development of the students whoever obligingly keep pace with the ideological, philosophical and educational principles of the institution. It aims at the multi-faceted growth of the students. Besides achieving academic objectives, the institution indomitably endeavours to shape the characters of the students which arc indisputably considered essential for the sustained growth of student community. Gokhale stresses the same and valued it on par with other academic achievements.